
man down,使命召唤战区常用英文战术用语分享

下面是小编整理的关于man down攻略内容,介绍了使命召唤战区常用英文战术用语分享等内容。

man down


1.Sniper 狙鸡手

举例The Sniper was shooting at me, be careful.

2.Open fire 开火

3.I’m going to kill them ,follow me 就是我要上了,跟着我,击杀他们

4.Clear 清空,安全 表示灭队之后确定这里安全了,最好是在建筑物里或者商店附近说。

5.Hold on 坚持住/等一下 队友倒地了或者你的老外队友高潮了要杀人但是你跟不上

举例I’m coming~hold on

what the hell?wait, I can’t catch you, hold on!

6.Reloading 重新装填

7.Air attack 空中打击 如果你实在不会里面的精准空袭和集束炸弹 可以说这个

举例Keep moving/Keep hide, air attack!

8.Airport 机场 大家都比较喜欢去的地方

9.You decide 跳伞前让别人决定跳哪里

举例Where we go?you decide

10.Man down 有人倒了

举例Damn it, I’m down!糟了,我躺了。

Enemy is down!敌人倒下了

11.Plunder 掠夺战利品 舔包

举例We’re gonna plunder them.我们要去掠夺他们

12.Get to Higher Ground 占领制高点

13.Ammo Cache 弹药补给处 就是在警察局里面会有一个补子弹的地方

举例Come here!Police Stations have Ammo Caches.

14.Thermal sights 热成像

举例With thermal sights and sniper 热成像狙击手/当你喜欢做老六也泛指你的枪有热成像瞄准镜

15.lmao 笑翻了 比lol更强烈

16.Near camp by the edge of the zone 地图边界


17.Gas mask 防毒面具 17和16搭配可以表示带着防毒面具在地图外界毫无作用

18.Shield Turret 盾牌炮塔

19.Recon Drone 无人机 这个是那个可以飞得无人机,建议与c4一起使用

20.Dead Silence 寂静无声

21.Stopping power Rounds 阻滞火力弹药箱

22.Trophy system 主动防御系统

23.Plunder duos 勇往直钱 就是那个夺金模式

举例Let’s go to play plunder duos together. What do you think?

24.XP Boost 经验加成

举例I have 10% XP Boost

25.Battle Pass 战争通行证

26.Good luck 比赛前表示友好

27.Operators 在游戏里表示特种兵

举例My operators is Ghost 我操作的特种兵是幽灵,新赛季的就是Alex

25.Claymore 阔剑地雷

举例There is one claymore on the ground, go away.

26.Proximity mine 地雷

27.BR solos 战区单排

BR Trios 战区三排

BR Quads 战区四排

举例I invited my friends to join BR Trios/BR Quads, wait a moment.


28.Operator skin 特种兵皮肤

29.Weapon skin 武器皮肤

30.Contract 合约

Bounty 赏金合约

Recon 占领合约

Scavenger 搜索合约

31.Buy Station 购买商店

举例Why don’t you go to the station and buy something with all that cash?你为啥不去买点东西?你那么多的现金。

I think we can go to the buy station.


The buy station have enemies. should leave, now!


32.Good job/Nice work 表示拿第一了 干得好

33.He’s low 表示他不行了 没血了

34.Squad leader Ping 队长标记点,也可以指任何人标记的坐标点。

举例Somebody there?I need one squad leader ping, please.

Shut up!stupid, give me one leader ping.

35.Kill number 杀了几个人

举例Kill one/two/three/all 杀了一个/两个/三个/全都干了

36.Emblem/sticker 纹章/贴纸

举例Beatiful Emblem/sticker, dude

37.Regiments/Regiment Clan tag 军团/军团标签

Custom Clan tag 自定义标签

举例I invite you to join my regiments.

Your custom clan tag is so cool.

38.Happy Hour 欢乐时光

39.stop it, I get an hour of double XP on my gun/rank, Don’t go through now.


40.disappear 消失不见了

举例Disappear, maybe they drop up the game./maybe they ran away when we find them.



Hacker!We should leave this place/quit the game.

1.Aim bot/Auto aim 自瞄

2.Wall hack 穿墙

3.Lock head 锁头

4.cheater/hacker 对外挂者的称呼

举例He is a fucking cheater/hacker

5.report 举报

举例report it 有点鄙视又想举报的意思


1.upstairs/on the roof 楼上/头上

举例someone upstair

2.downstairs 楼下

3.uptop 在楼顶上

4.loadout drop/air-drop 都是空投的意思 都可以

5.Counter UAV 反制无人机

Advanced UAV 进阶无人机

6.BR全称battle royale 就是战区的意思